
Windows Workflow Foundation and the Power Platform

Phil Cole

Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF) is the long-serving underpinning of multiple solution components within Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform. With the announcement of Power Fx, it’s clear that Microsoft will consolidate on a single expression language and eventually remove the dependency on WWF.

Let’s review the solution components that use WWF and consider how to develop complex solutions in anticipation of the impact of Power Fx.

Idempotent Missing Dependencies

Phil Cole

A recent update to the solution engine means we now have fewer merge conflicts due to a change in the critical solution.xml file which makes it easier to implement healthy ALM for Power Platform developments.

Calculated Fields and Managed Solutions

Phil Cole

We are supposed to be able to uninstall a managed solution when no other solutions or unmanaged layers are dependent on components within the solution that’s being uninstalled - but alas this is not true when calculated fields are used.